アルインコ(ALINCO) ランニングマシン 省スペース 薄型 負荷軽減クッション LED表示メーター Pレッド 心拍測定 簡単移動 タブレットトレー プログラム機能 インテリア 折りたたみ 広い走行面詳細
2019年度グッドデザイン賞受賞 9cmの低床設計。唯一のアルミボディ、省スペースランニングマシン。 本体サイズ:幅76×奥行146×高さ101cm 本体重量:42kg 速度調節幅:1.0~12.0km/h 走行面高さ:9cm 折りたたみ時サイズ:幅76×奥行153×高さ13.8cm ベルトサイズ:45×120cm
アルインコ(ALINCO) ランニングマシン 省スペース 薄型 負荷軽減クッション LED表示メーター Pレッド 心拍測定 簡単移動 タブレットトレー プログラム機能 インテリア 折りたたみ 広い走行面口コミ
I’ve used this treadmill for several months now, and I really like it a lot! I’ll go through the three categories the review asks about.Safety features: the treadmill shuts down immediately if the safety tether is pulled out of the machine. No issues there.Noise: As far as treadmills go, it’s pretty average in terms of noise levels. It isn’t terribly loud, but I live on the first floor. I’m not sure how it would sound to people living under it.For working out: It’s very nice! For the price point, I wish there was a way to make your own custom programs (though obviously I knew that wasn’t a feature when I bought it). The programs that it does come with are useful if you use them properly. It took me a little bit to figure out how they would best suit me, but now that I have, I enjoy using them. It helps me not have to think about altering my pace along the way.Overall, it’s a solid purchase. It’s definitely heavy and difficult to move around as a result, so the folding and ability to store it can be a little impacted. However, it is definitely still doable. I really love having it for bad weather days or when I just don’t want to leave the house but want to get some movement in!
今のとこ毎日使用で約2か月 一回専用オイルをさしました
I bought this treadmill for the cottage. We have a treadmill at home but wanted a slim and simple one here. It is very sturdy and well made. It is also slim and has a nice design.
Walking is quiet and stable.
I would recommend this for anyone who wants a running machine but has never invested in one.
When reading the other reviews I saw that some people received machines with the bolt broken. Mine was in perfect shape.
Good buy.