ウルトラスポーツ フィットネスマシン ベーシッククロストレーナー250 小型 家庭用詳細
ウルトラスポーツのクロストレーナー250は最新のチェーン/ファン システムを備え、ドイツの安全基準をクリアした家庭用トレーニングマシン。効果的な有酸素運動でダイエットにも最適 脚部と臀部、腕と肩の筋肉を双方向から鍛えることが可能。シートは高さ調整可能で、初心者や高齢者のトレーニングにも対応 ハンドルは身長に合わせて4段階の高さ調整が可能。トレーニング時にはハンドルを動かすことも固定することもできる 運動量を測定できるエルゴメーターで、トレーニング時の運動時間、距離、スキャン、カロリー消費量、速度等を計測 体重制限: 100kgまで、本体重量: 26kg、本体サイズ: 95〜124 x 58 x 138〜156cm 【安心保証】購入日からの二年間がメーカー保証期間となります。
ウルトラスポーツ フィットネスマシン ベーシッククロストレーナー250 小型 家庭用口コミ
I read many negative reviews and almost decided not to buy it. But I’m glad I made the decision to buy it in the end. It doesn’t come with a “how-to-manual” from A-Z installation Process. But I didn’t find it hard to assemble it at all. I fixed it together with my spouse within 15-20 mins.Compared to other counterparts of the product, this is significantly cheap. So obviously I’m not expecting it to have a durability of 5-10 years. But I’m sure, with proper care and handling, it can last upto 2 or 3 years or more. I have been using it for almost 6 months now. I didn’t have any issues so far.Since I was looking for a cheap, short term elliptical trainer to workout from home, I found it really amazing.
It is made very cheaply in China, with even cheaper customer service in Taiwan. Go figure.
But even by Chinese standards it is sub-par quality.
If you not only want to pay less, but to actually throw away your money, this is the perfect product for you.
It comes in parts: One main part that is already pre-assembled and oiled, and you are supposed to attach the pedals, seat, hand rails and the tiny LCD.
After having deciphered the cryptic manual, I did a proper job of putting together the device taking care to follow the instructions well. However, right out of the box, it turned out to be faulty. The big fan-wheel on the main part of the machine which came pre-assembled was skew and its axis was completely off-center. As result it wiggled and wobbled something fierce to the left and right, and looked like it might come off at any second. On top of that, there was all kind of strange noises when pedaling.
I called the service center number given in the manual but it turned out the number is no longer in service. I mailed the service center in my country and got instead reply from a customer service in Taiwan named “ULtrapsort” (yes, they can’t even get their company name right) saying the service center in my country has shut down, so instead they would help me.
Remember I found this problem on the first day of using the machine, and it was supposed to be brand new.
Their solution to straighten the skewed wheel was… to oil the bike chains.
Yes, they seriously suggested this as they have no clue about simple physics apparently.
Of course being completely new, the chains were perfectly lubed already, but I gave it some extra, just in case it magically would pop the wheel axis into place.
Of course it didn’t help.
Next, they suggested that I disassemble the device and put it together again (i.e. remove the seat, pedals and hand rails from the main part, and then re-attach them).
This is of course an utterly useless exercise because the skewed fan-wheel is in no way (directly or indirectly) attached to any of those parts, and will not change or straighten itself by re-attaching the pedals and seat etc. It will continue to be off-axis and broken.
Obviously they have not the slightest knowledge about the product they are selling.
This way they have wasted 2 whole days of my time already. The useless machine just sits there, and after 2 days I notice that all the screws and bolts are already loosening and the pedals, seat and handles need to be re-tightened, even though I firmly tightened all of them when I put it together. And I haven’t even started using the machine…
If you look at their home page, they claim themselves to be “No.1 fitness brand” which I guess means they are number 1 from the bottom. The contact button leads to an error page. Pure garbage, and I am guessing any other product from that company is similarly trashy. Looking at their facebook page, it has not been updated in years, and the comments in there from desperate consumers asking for help are all ignored.
It is too late for me, but writing this, I hope at least it helps you to avoid this scam company called Ultrasport. Pay a little bit more and get a real proper machine, or pay way less and just buy a jump rope. Just don’t buy this one because the only workout and sweat you will get will be from the stress of having been scammed.
I really love this machine, since less impact on the knees and feet, but the machine cannot sustain to my everyday exercise, 20KM per day, screws could be replaced with a better quality.
Arrived already damaged, the wheel well cover is made of cheap plastic and cracked during transit. The pieces fell out while I removed the parts from the box. I suppose you get what you pay for, in this case that is true.
Not recommended! Not only did I see the broken plastic parts when I received the box, but I also had no idea which part was referred to in the instructions at the time of assembly. All the parts were packed in a bag, so it was hard to tell. When using it, it will make a whine and vibration, and the wheel is not on the same axis when rotating, it will swing up and down. Considering the feelings of the neighbors, I can’t use it at night at all!